Design your delusions.

Source: lil_lams
Source: SYFYde

We design today’s delusional ideas

into tomorrow’s indispensible reality.

Source: undefined
Source: By Sauts // Alex Sautter
Source: free_cassey


What futures do others deem impossible?

Share your most audacious visions of

human potential and progress.

Source: mrc artes
Source: Designbybonz
Source: Jenny Lorenzo
Source: ASML


Dive deeper with us.
We'll challenge and expand your concept,

into a clear and achievable vision.

Without a prototype, everything is just a delusion.

Source: mrc artes

A picture is worth 1000 words

A prototype is worth 1000 meetings

Source: Figma
Source: Moving Picture Show


We build your plans into clear actionable

strategies that attracts investors because you

know how to execute well with design.

Source: mrc artes
Source: The Roku Channel

(Everything is a delusion without a prototype)

Source: Emoji
Source: Akademie der media
Source: DAAD Worldwide
Source: NUTTEA
Source: shepersistedpodcast
Source: shellycreatesit
Source: Genius Food
Source: Neovital Nutrition
Source: JustOn
Source: Lilikoi Club
Source: Mother Goose Club
Source: Lena
Source: The Gummy Smile Shop
Source: canvasstories
Source: canvasstories
Source: Bao
Source: Color Street
Source: Luke Alexander
Source: Lisa Bardot
Source: Aidadaism
Source: Desygner
Source: Brennan & Stevens
Source: Lisa Bardot
Source: Lisa Bardot
Source: Kara Bodegon-Hikino
Source: Design Your Happiness
Source: Scholten Reclamestudio
Source: worlddesignorganization
Source: shellycreatesit

There are numerous inventors & designers throughout history whose ideas were initially met with skepticism or disbelief, only to be proven visionary later on.

Here are some notable examples:

  1. Nikola Tesla - Known for his numerous inventions and contributions to the development of electricity and magnetic fields. Tesla's ideas about wireless communication and energy were considered outlandish at the time but have proven fundamental in modern technology.

  2. Ada Lovelace - Developed the first computer algorithm for Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer. Considered overly ambitious for envisioning computers could one day manipulate symbols and not just numbers.

  3. Galileo Galilei - His support for the Copernican theory, which posits that the Earth revolves around the Sun, led to opposition from the church and his eventual house arrest. His use of the telescope and observations challenged the prevailing view of the universe.

  4. Ludwig Boltzmann - His work in developing statistical mechanics and the concept of atoms faced severe criticism from some of his contemporaries who denied the existence of atoms.

  5. Ignaz Semmelweis - A Hungarian physician who suggested that doctors' handwashing could drastically reduce the number of infections and deaths related to childbirth. His ideas were ridiculed and dismissed by many of his peers at the time.

  6. Grace Hopper - Invented the first compiler and helped develop COBOL, a high-level programming language. Her colleagues were skeptical because they believed computers could only do arithmetic.

  7. Karen Spärck Jones - Pioneered concepts in natural language processing and information retrieval. Her idea that computers could understand human language was initially dismissed as futuristic and unfeasible.

  8. Margaret Hamilton - Developed the onboard flight software for NASA's Apollo missions. Her focus on comprehensive error handling and software testing was initially viewed as excessive in a field that undervalued software's role in aerospace projects. Her methods proved essential during the Apollo 11 moon landing.

Source: DesignSingapore_Council
Source: AlwaysBeColoring
Source: Fox in a Box Stockholm
Source: worlddesignorganization
Source: Digital Nomad Kit
Source: Canek
Source: BrandStrong
Source: ada
Source: OpticalArtInc.
Source: barbsiegraphy
Source: Design With Lola
Source: HerculesDJ
Source: Christian Love
Source: ezgi karaman
Source: Demic
Source: Laillaniee
Source: Semmelweis Egyetem
Source: Timetravelsclub
Source: Sing Movie
Source: saroufim
Source: Texas Tech University RISE
Source: shellycreatesit
Source: saraevelinn
Source: SpoopyDrws


Source: Texas Tech University RISE
Source: The Somewhere Co
Source: Nova
Source: High Moon Studio
Source: BY ECOM
Source: Chloe Stroll
Source: Ravages
Source: Jean Paul Gaultier
Source: Emoji
Source: NationalGuard
Source: DAAD Worldwide
Source: Akademie der media
Source: Rebecca Somers

Nothing Is More Powerful Than an Idea Whose Time Has Come

Source: Mind Body Social
Source: florence by mills
Source: Tales&Tails
Source: Isola Design District
Source: station design
Source: Semmelweis Egyetem
Source: My Weekend Plan
Source: Subtiel
Source: Emoji
Source: Akademie der media
Source: DAAD Worldwide
Source: DAAD Worldwide
Source: Alabaster Pizzo
Source: Dr Golly

Design your delusions™ is a service of roses/foundation